Robinson Nature Center

Robinson Nature Center

6692 Cedar Ln
Columbia, MD 21044

Show dates: January 11th - April 10th

Reception: February 16th, 12:00 - 3pm
The reception is the same day as the
Bird Bonanza event

Nature Center Hours:
Wednesday-Saturday: 9am-5pm; Sunday: Noon-5pm; Closed Mondays & Tuesdays

General Admission Prices:
$5 Adults
$3 Children ages 3-17 yrs
Free Children under 3 yrs

Memberships available

NOTE: it’s free to just come in and check out the gallery in the main lobby, but if you want to explore the rest of the nature center (and I highly recommend it) please pay for admission.

Wow, the nature center is just gorgeous—inside and out! I’m so pleased that they agreed to display my traveling exhibit, Locals, now through April 10th!

My exhibit also has a new interactive component. For years I scratched my head trying to figure out how I could include bird songs in my show. Tiny USB speakers? Little tablets? How would they stay charged? How could I keep them from getting stolen? Eventually I hit on the idea of QR codes! Everyone has a tiny computer in their pocket now (for better or worse), so visitors can just scan the code next to the art piece and it’ll bring up the songs specific to that bird and more information about the animal and the piece.

Also huge shout out to my dear friend, Stephanie, who edited the QR codes on the tags to make them more attractive and made sure they all pointed to the right pages!


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