Baltimore Oriole | Icterus galbula
The only time I ever had the privilege of seeing an oriole up close, it was in suburban Kensington and the poor little guy was dead, possibly of a window strike. I was working on this particular piece at the time, and when I got home I had to immediately make some color adjustments to my drawing.
I'd thought that the people that were fortunate enough to snap photos or Baltimore Orioles had been editing their photos to increase the saturation for a more eye-grabbing image, but no, they really are that orange. The most safety vest/highlighter/questionable-car-color-choice orange I've ever seen.
Orioles love fruit and berries, which is why you will never see them at a conventional birdfeeder. I’ve tried in the past to put out a oriole feeder that holds orange slices and cups of fruit preserves, but I attracted nothing but wasps—next year, perhaps.