Ruby-Throated Hummingbird  |  ​Archilochus colubris


I love hummingbirds. Their biology and evolutional adaptations are just remarkable. I could go on for pages. Needless to say, I try to attract them to my yard as much as I possibly can with nectar feeders and native flowers.

A note on hummingbird feeders: this information is wildly available but just in case you haven’t heard it before, the sugar water in hummingbird feeders needs to be changed frequently, especially in the DMV area. The 90°F+ days we have turns the sugar water into an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and fungus which can sicken or even kill hummingbirds. So if you don’t have the time or energy to change out the nectar at least every other day during the height of summer, don’t put out a hummingbird feeder. You might be doing them more harm than good.

Slow-mo video I took with my phone in my back yard:

"Ruby-Throated Hummingbird"
Colored Pencil on Bird’s Eye Maple Wood Panel

8” x 10”
Prints available for purchase