Various Migratory Birds​ AKA "Snow Birds"

These birds follow the food, whether it be fruit, nectar or insects. They visit us in the spring and summer but in the fall and winter they quickly depart to warmer climates like the southern United States, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America.

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak | ​Pheucticus ludovicianus

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Baltimore Oriole | Icterus galbula

Click here for more Baltimore Oriole information and artwork

​Ruby-Throated Hummingbird | ​Archilochus colubris

Click here for more Ruby-Throated Hummingbird information and artwork

Yellow Warbler | ​Setophaga petechia

Indigo Bunting | ​Passerina cyanea

Audio Block
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Purple Martin | Progne subis

"Snow Birds"
Digital Painting

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